As I reflected on my identity in the LORD I realized I didn't get what that meant. I could not get a good grasp on what an identity in the LORD looked like. LORD, what does it mean to have my identity in You? Please help me understand.
I often wrestle with these kinds of questions. Questions some would consider quite elementary, yet I find incredibly profound because I can't get a clear picture that both my mind and my heart agree with. At these times, I go directly to the Master of my heart and mind and ask Him to make sense of it all. And at the right moment, He reveals to me what I need to know.
Sometimes the LORD shows me the answer right away. With other questions He takes a bit more time, allowing me to seek Him a little more intensely. I have been searching for the answer to this question for over 10 years, maybe more without even knowing it. Along the way I learned a few things here and there. But nothing quenched the thirst that I had within me to understand what it means to have my identity in the LORD.
After years of seeking Him, He chose this week to give me a drink of water that quenched my thirst! He showed me an equation in my mind that makes sense in my heart as well:
Identity = What God thinks of me
Reputation = What people think of me
You know what else He told me....that sometimes I have to loose my reputation to keep my identity in Him.
I am only beginning to understand what it means to live for what God thinks of me. I will spend the rest of my life choosing to please the One who matters most. And if I please anyone else in the process...well, that would be nice.
Prayer Warrior....keep praying for me to find my identity in the LORD. This may be the biggest battle of my life.