Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A Human Hazard

When someone wants to make a point in the absurdity of a comparison they often say "It's like comparing apples to oranges!".  Although apples and oranges share the same food group they are so different.    Apples are generally sweet while oranges tend to have a citrus flavor.  Apples can be a variety of different colors and oranges...well oranges are orange.  Apples can be eaten by simply biting into them or peeling them.  Oranges need to be peeled to get to the yummy part.  I could go on listing the differences of an apple to an orange but I think you get the point.

In the same way, as a woman it would be ridiculous for me to compare myself to other women.  But I do it all the time.  Human nature, so I am told...but it sure is destructive to self worth.  I find myself living in a maze of comparisons.  I start each day with hopes to glorify the Almighty with the "talents" He has given me.  If I am not careful I find myself bumping into human walls that I set up as obstacles.

I come across my first hurdle.  A woman who is slimmer than I am and I berate myself.  I look at another woman and feel shameful because she is a working mom, is president of the PTO, and is always trying new recipes that her family loves.  I turn around just in time to see another woman with her arms full of little ones while homeschooling her oldest three.  I look behind another curtain and see a woman who has the looks of a supermodel and the character of Mother Teresa.  Arrggg!!  It's to much!  I want to close my eyes, plug my ears and lock myself in the basement so I can't see another woman whom, in my mind, I fall very short.  

Then I have those days where every hurdle is the other side of my ego.  I am looking good!  I got all the laundry done with time to spare.  I take the time to play with my children.  My husband is happy and my kids are content.  I am so thankful I don't live the life of Dirty Doris, who sends her kids to school smelling like toilet water......Oh my Flaunting Flo do you own any clothes that cover your midsection?.....Oh! I am so glad I am not like Working Wanda.  She spends so much time working, her kids are really paying the price.  Poor things, I am so glad I am here for my children.

SMACK!  The voice of the Holy Spirit wakes me up!!  Who do I think I am....tearing others down to build myself up!  When am I going to get it?!  Just because Butty Bertha has a bigger bum than I do, I am not any better than her!!!

Some of the the names I used were meant to add humor but in all seriousness this comparison trap is very harmful.  Just because a woman walks into a room and I compare myself to her and find myself either lacking or advancing doesn't change who I am to God.  God made me to be me.  Although there are many women out there it's silly to compare myself to any of them.  It's kinda like comparing apples to absurd!    

I am so sorry, Father.  Forgive me for not only comparing myself to Your other daughters but  judging them also.  May I stop sizing up every woman I see with hopes that I come out on top.  You created all of us to be different.  Help me to bring You glory by being the best me I can be.  Only with Your power can I live to my fullest potential and encourage others to live to theirs.  Thank You for Your patience with me.