Tuesday, October 16, 2012

BIGGER, Better, Mooorrreee!!

When I was in college the pastor at the church I went to gave a sermon entitled "Bigger, Better, More".  He went on to highlight how we, as consumers in America, want bigger and better things and more stuff.  It is interesting to think about, isn't it?  Anyway...  

My mind has been coming back to this phrase a bit more lately.  Not along the same lines that the pastor was speaking of that day.  I have been reflecting more on the spiritual side of bigger, better, more.  For many years I have had this longing in my heart to serve the LORD and to serve Him in a BIG way.  I mean to really put my neck on the line.  To do something really great to show God and the world how much I love Him and long for His Presence.    

LORD, please help me to serve You in bigger, better, more ways.  As this prayer has been spoken from my heart in various ways in the last year, the Almighty began to open my eyes to see how He is using me bigger, better, more.  He showed me bigger is when I offer a hug to a friend who is hurting.  He showed me better is holding my tongue when all I want to do is tell someone how right I am and how wrong he/she is.  He showed me more is tenderly embracing my daughter or son when they are having a bad day.  He showed me bigger, better, more is walking faithfully by my Master and loving those He allows me the privilege to walk beside.   

There is a true story about a man, named Philip, who loved the LORD.  One day Philip was asked by the LORD to take a walk on a desert road.  Obediently Philip started on his journey.   Along the way, he heard a man reading from a Book in the Bible.  (In this time and place it was customary to read out loud to yourself.)  When Philip heard this man reading from the Book of Isaiah he felt prompted by God to ask the man if he knew what he was reading.  The man denied knowing what the Words meant.  Philip took the opportunity to explain God's Word to the man and the man came to know the Truth about Jesus.  

It would be easy to question God's calling on Philip's journey.  After all Philip only had the audience of one man that day.  If I don't have a perspective of love I can pass by people thinking that they are only one person in a world full of hurt and disillusionment.  But God doesn't see us that way.   He loves so lavishly He sent His One and Only Son to die for us.  If the Creator of the universe asked Philip to go on a journey to reach the heart of a man stumbling over some Book in the Bible why wouldn't He send me to wrap my arms around a lonely woman at a nursing home?        

By God's grace, bigger, better, more, comes not from what I do for the LORD but what He does through me when I am obedient to Him.  Maybe some day God will ask me to do something that would be huge even in the world's eyes, but for today may I honor Him by loving those He graciously places in my life.  May I not miss these divine opportunities by looking for bigger, better, more.  

(If you want to read the whole story about Philip go to the Book of Acts in the Bible.  It is in Chapter 8 verses 26-40.)