When I think about gifts I have received I can't help but think of the gift of forgiveness. Perhaps the freshness of the LORD's love and forgiveness is on my mind because of celebrating Jesus' birthday this past week. What a testimony of God's goodness!
Forgiveness is a unique gift. It's a gift that needs to be shared in order to be kept. A gift that needs to be given in order to be received. In Matthew chapter 6 verses 14 & 15, Jesus says "For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." As I ponder these thoughts, my heart awakens to a determined desire...to put forgiveness at the top of my gift giving list.
Father, please give me the desire and the ability to give the gift of forgiveness. It may be the hardest gift I've ever given...some may not even deserve to be forgiven. Please remind me that there are things that I too do not deserve but Your grace covers me fully. Please help me...