Friday, January 27, 2012

Let's Have Some Fun!

I am currently co-facilitating an in-depth Bible study on God's Book of James.  This study requires more work than I could have imagined.  Not only do I get to spend a fair amount of time preparing to lead small and large group sessions, the LORD has also challenged me to devote a large amount of personal study to the Book of James.

This study has five Levels of Involvement.  They all stack on top of each other.  Level 1 is watching a weekly video; Level 2 is watching a weekly video and doing five days of homework; Level 3 is watching a weekly video, doing the homework and handwriting the Book of James; Level 4 is watching a weekly video, doing the weekly homework, handwriting the Book of James and reading articles on that week's study material; and Level 5 is watching the weekly videos, doing the weekly homework, handwriting the Book of James, reading the articles and memorizing the Book of James.  

Each participant is encouraged to ask the LORD where their Level of Involvement should be.  Because the LORD has challenged me to do all five Levels I constantly find myself in the Book of James. Preparing for small group, getting my thoughts together for large group sessions, doing my weekly homework, reading the articles, trying to memorize a few more mind is stuffed with James' words.   

There may be a woman that is at the same Level as I am and breezing through it wondering if there is a Level 6.  Or perhaps a woman is at Level 1 and just barely keeping her nose above water.  There is no room for comparison when it comes to what God has asked each of us to do.  That is between that person and the LORD.  Please hear me when I say I am no better than the ladies who are doing Levels 1,2, 3 or 4.  And I'm no less than the one that already has the Book of James memorized.  My point is, right now, God has called me to do something that is a big commitment for me and I am starting to feel a bit overwhelmed.  Not overwhelmed to the point that I need to back away from any of it just a bit weighted down.

If life starts to get busy in one area, wouldn't it be interesting if we could push the hold button and pause the rest of life?  But life continues to happen.  In the midst of a crazy ministry time my kids still need to get here and there; the laundry still needs to be washed, folded and put away; the meals still need to be planned, bought and prepared; my volunteer time at the kids' school is still something that needs to be fulfilled; my husband still needs an attentive wife; etc....  You know what I am talking about, I'm sure your life is just as full if not fuller.

This past Sunday, my son's hockey team had a "Chic's With Sticks" night.  This is the one time of year that the hockey players have the opportunity to play against their mom, sister, grandma, or aunt.  I was not going to let my son be the only skater on the ice without his Mama.  So I laced up my skates, put on some breezers (the padded shorts hockey players wear), strapped on some elbow pads, and snapped on a helmet and took my tired body out on the ice with hopes that I could walk away.  That's all I was hoping for...just to walk away...not wheeled out in a wheelchair, not rolled away on a gurney, not rushed to the ER in an ambulance..I simply wanted to be able to walk away with no broken bones or life altering injury.

I never dreamed I would have had so much fun on the ice!  Ethan was such a gentleman.  He used encouraging words and "played easy" on me.  I even scored a goal!  And the best part, I could feel God's pleasure the whole time.  My Father was right there laughing and having fun with me. In the midst of the busyness, the LORD wanted me to have some fun with Him!  Thank You, Father, for Your grace! 

That night the LORD reminded me that sometimes He and I have work to do but that does not mean we can't have fun.  I am so thankful He knows when I need a good belly laugh.

Now, Father, I am ready to get back to me understand what You meant when You said 'humbly accept the word planted in you'.....


  1. We talked about this in church this weekend too...working with God and having fun with him. Remembering that God is both holy and our father. Hard to wrap our minds around and that is why we worship :)

  2. Hey Chic with a Stick! Wow- fun! Great photo and testimony of a young gracious hockey player too.
    Great words of encouragement- the blessing of meeting with our LORD! I'm working on memorizing 1 John this year- worked on James last year. Even though the words fade with time, it's such a good cleansing, purifying use of time.
    I'll jot you a letter soon- nice to read about Billie, too.

    1. I look forward to hearing how 1 John is going. It is amazing how the LORD gives a person the ability and desire to memorize His Word when we ask Him. Thanks for your encouragement, Ab!!
