Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Exceeding the Weight Limit

Last month, at 4:30 a.m., I received one of the worst wake-up calls ever.  My sister called to tell me to pray for Isaac, our brother's son, who was in the operating room fighting for his life.  I found out the details, hung up the phone, and jump on my treadmill for a serious time of prayer.  Throughout the day I had a constant awareness of this little boy's need for God's grace and mercy.  At the end of the day I was exhausted spiritually, physically, and emotionally.

How could I relent on my continual pursuit of going before the LORD on Isaac's behalf?   I needed to stay strong and continue to intercede.  I was so burdened to keep praying that I could hardly keep my head up.  When I heard the buzz of my cell phone I was hesitant to even look at it for fear of another request.  Oh LORD, how can I carry any more?  I can't even carry myself right now!  But the power of the unknown won and I peered at my phone through swollen eyelids.

The text was from a very dear friend and family member.  She did not know what was going on with Isaac but sent a "Hi!  How's it going?" message.  The whisper of Hope came....Let her know what is going on with Isaac.  But LORD, it's my burden to carry.  I can't ask her to help me.  Yes, child, you can because it is Mine to carry...you need someone to help you give it to Me.  That conversation with the Almighty started a marathon of calls and texts to family and friends who would stand in the gap with me.  It was late before I finally got to bed but I was able to rest because I was not carrying this burden alone any longer.  I had warrior friends with me bringing it to the Master...the One who was strong enough to carry Isaac and his family in their time of need.

Recently, I had the opportunity to pray with a friend on the phone.  As we were praying a picture came into my mind.  The two of us, sister in Christ, were holding hands going before our Daddy to speak to Him on behalf of each other.  Of course we can boldly go before Him on our own.  But when I am blinded by the needs and burdens of this world it's hard to see beyond myself to the One I am living for.  He knows when I need a faithful friend to go with me before His throne.

Thank You, Father, for Your perfect insight and timing....for knowing when we need a helping hand....even when we need one to bring us to You.     

1 comment:

  1. You are a prayer warrior! Thanks for the reminder of prayer but also the power of Christian Community.
