Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Very Dear Friend

I have a good friend named Billie.  She is as old as my grandmother.  She loves her family, loves crafts, and loves to hang out with her friends.  She is also adventuresome.  Sometimes Billie is a bit to adventuresome for my comfort.

This past summer Billie was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance.  She was sitting with her friend in front of an ice cream shop waiting for a parade to start. She is allergic to the sun and the sun was blazing that day.  Billie decided to wear a long sleeve shirt, a light weight hat with a wide brim, and sun glasses.  To top the outfit off she had on very thick jeans.  Next thing she knows she could not focus her eyes and then got dizzy and passed out for about 5 minutes.  She nearly had a heat stroke!  Good grief Billie!  Is the parade that important?!!

I get a little worked up over some of the choices Billie makes but I love her.  The funny thing is I have no idea what she looks like.  Billie and I have never met in person.

My husband works for a college ministry and we have to raise all of our money.  Much of the money we raise comes from churches.  Billie goes to one of those churches that use to support us.  This particular church would send out newsletters to all the missionaries they support.  They would ask volunteers from their church to write a short letter they could mail to each of their missionaries along with the newsletters.  It was like finding a nugget of gold seeing a little note tucked in with each newsletter we received from this church.   I was so touched that someone from the church would take the time to write to us, I would write back.  Billie was one of those kind souls who wrote to us and continued to answer my letters with news about herself and her family.

This writing relationship has been going on for almost five years.  Our relationship exists because Billie and I are intentional about keeping in touch with each other.  In fact our relationship has become so intimate that we still write to each other even though this particular church does not financially support us any longer.  In the most recent letter I received from her she closes by saying “You are a very dear friend.  If I can find a picture of me I’ll send it to you.  I love you, Billie”.  What intimacy we can have by just being intentional.

Do you have any relationships you are currently in that are intimate because of being intentional?

May I have intimacy with You, Father!  May I desire to spend time with You and draw closer to You.  May I love You more today than I did yesterday....  

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What would You like for Christmas, LORD?

Our family has one closet downstairs in our TV room that holds all of our Christmas decorations.  In the midst of the boxes of lights, ornaments, advent wreath candles, and nativity statues there are some of our most treasured Christmas books.  We have Christmas books that are about Christmases in other countries, one that my daughter received as a Kindergartner from her teacher, one that is scratch -n- sniff, and one that is compiled with stories from well-known Christian women.  It was within this book that I came upon the question of what I would give the LORD for Christmas.

I have read this particular story many times during past Christmas seasons and I was never convicted to ask myself what I can give the LORD for Christmas.  If you do not feel the need to ask yourself this's okay.  But for some reason this year I read that story and felt a nudge from the LORD to ask myself...."What can I give You for Christmas this year, LORD?".

Hmmmm.....What can I willingly and joyfully give You this Christmas season, LORD?  Maybe You would like me to give something up for this a certain food, wearing make-up, perhaps not wearing perfume ...what would be something I could give You, LORD....just because I want to give You a gift not because I have to.  Maybe You're asking me not to give something up but perhaps it's something I can volunteer at the food shelf or the local pregnancy helpline, maybe I could volunteer serving in some way at church, maybe You would invite me into something I don't feel equipped to do but I can trust You and do it because You're asking me to.

What would You like for Christmas, LORD?  After three days of trying to be mindful of His response, the faithful ONE whispered to me His Christmas gift idea.  I was returning books to the library...we love our library...I am there often...(but sometimes not often enough....I get some hefty fines... yikes!)..... so I was returning the books and planning what book I would like to get to read during my "free reading time".  About three days a week I give myself between 30-60 minutes to read a fiction book of my choice.  Usually it's a Christian historical fiction novel.

As I was picking up our over sized L.L.Bean bag with way to many books in it the Whisper came to me.  He gave me the idea to give Him my "free reading time".  So instead of reading a book of my choice I would spend that time being with Him.  I know the LORD is always with me but this is an intentional time for me to sit before Him and see where He leads me.

Since I have made this commitment to give this time to the LORD I have had some of the sweetest moments with Him.  Sometimes I sit back with a mug of hot chocolate while looking out our big living room window watching the snow fall.  Watching the snow gently fall reminds me of a snow globe that was recently shaken....He is so creative.  Sometimes I find myself just sitting and thinking about who the LORD is.    Sometimes my eyes get a bit heavy so I close them for a little while hoping to get a glimpse of His beauty.  One day He asked me to spend my time cleaning out my closet.  Something my husband has been asking me to do for months.  Whatever it is I try to mindful of His leading....after all it is my gift to Him...and yet I am the one blessed. You are amazing, LORD!!!!    

Has the LORD asked you to give Him a gift this Christmas season?  If so, please share.  If not....maybe another year You will hear the a gentle Whisper from the Giver of all good gifts.  Merry Christmas, my friends!  May we all know the joy that comes from believing in the birthday Boy!      

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

What Works For Me.....Might Not Work For You.

Before you read my personal "morning routine" I wanted to remind you that this is what works for me.  If you were to ask my husband, he would say I am crazy for getting up so early.  He prefers to start his day a bit later. Please remember I am not writing a "To-Do List" for you to follow but inviting you to come along with me on a journey.  If what I share doesn't work for you.....that's okay.  There are no expectations for us to travel the same way on this journey.  Sometimes it's just fun to see what someone else is up to.  Come along with me and see what I'm up to in the wee hours of the morning......

I wake up each weekday morning at 5:00 a.m. (weekends at 6:00 a.m.)  I throw on my work-out clothes, work-out on the treadmill while praying and reciting Scripture, read a magazine article on Biblical topic or Christian life, or listen to praise music.  I intentionally make this time on the treadmill a time of worship to the LORD whether I am praying, reading or listening; I try to focus my mind on Him.

I start by praising Him for Who He is.  Then I move into a time of confession.  I think though my previous day…my attitude, my actions, my moods, and let the LORD bring to my mind anything that did not line up with Him and His glory.  After confessing what I need to, seeking forgiveness and being forgiven I am ready to intercede.  This is the time I pray for my family, friends and anyone else the LORD brings to my mind.  I am constantly trying to be aware of His Holy Spirit and let Him lead me.

After my aerobic work-out the LORD continues to pour into me through His Word.  After studying His Word, I’m ready to pour out….I get the kids lunches packed, unload the dishwasher, get the kids ready for the day...I could continue to tell you the rest of my day but I think you get the picture.

If you're ever awake at 5:00 in the morning pray for me, please.  Some mornings it's hard to roll out of bed...especially in the's dark and cold!  Brrrrr!!  But with the LORD's help I get to spend that early morning time with Him...with no one else around...just me and my Father!!  Oh what a blessing!

What time of the day do you spend with the LORD?  What do you like to do during that time with just you and Your Master?  Please share your devotional stories.

I Want Intimacy With You, LORD!

Intimacy with God only comes out of being intentional.  Just like any other relationship I have...if I'm not intentional I will not draw close to another.  Thankfully, the Father has already drawn close to us through the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ.  Drawing close to God is not something I need to be legalistic about but it is something I need to do with highest intentions. 

In my writing of this blog I will be sharing my intentional journey of intimacy with the LORD.  I would love to hear comments from you as to how your relationship with the LORD has been intentional and therefore intimate.

My desire for writing is to share my story with you.  If I write something that you think is a good idea by all means try it yourself.  If, on the other hand, you read something and know that would never work for you that's okay!  God has created each one of us differently and He knows us intimately.  His desire is for us to know Him intimately.  And in whatever way that comes for you I encourage you to keep doing it.

So, as I continue on my journey of intimacy with the living LORD, I invite you to journey with me.  May the LORD bless the time and attention we give to Him!

Please, LORD, burn within our hearts a desire for more of You.