Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What would You like for Christmas, LORD?

Our family has one closet downstairs in our TV room that holds all of our Christmas decorations.  In the midst of the boxes of lights, ornaments, advent wreath candles, and nativity statues there are some of our most treasured Christmas books.  We have Christmas books that are about Christmases in other countries, one that my daughter received as a Kindergartner from her teacher, one that is scratch -n- sniff, and one that is compiled with stories from well-known Christian women.  It was within this book that I came upon the question of what I would give the LORD for Christmas.

I have read this particular story many times during past Christmas seasons and I was never convicted to ask myself what I can give the LORD for Christmas.  If you do not feel the need to ask yourself this question...it's okay.  But for some reason this year I read that story and felt a nudge from the LORD to ask myself...."What can I give You for Christmas this year, LORD?".

Hmmmm.....What can I willingly and joyfully give You this Christmas season, LORD?  Maybe You would like me to give something up for this season....like a certain food, wearing make-up, perhaps not wearing perfume ...what would be something I could give You, LORD....just because I want to give You a gift not because I have to.  Maybe You're asking me not to give something up but perhaps it's something I can do.....like volunteer at the food shelf or the local pregnancy helpline, maybe I could volunteer serving in some way at church, maybe You would invite me into something I don't feel equipped to do but I can trust You and do it because You're asking me to.

What would You like for Christmas, LORD?  After three days of trying to be mindful of His response, the faithful ONE whispered to me His Christmas gift idea.  I was returning books to the library...we love our library...I am there often...(but sometimes not often enough....I get some hefty fines... yikes!)..... so I was returning the books and planning what book I would like to get to read during my "free reading time".  About three days a week I give myself between 30-60 minutes to read a fiction book of my choice.  Usually it's a Christian historical fiction novel.

As I was picking up our over sized L.L.Bean bag with way to many books in it the Whisper came to me.  He gave me the idea to give Him my "free reading time".  So instead of reading a book of my choice I would spend that time being with Him.  I know the LORD is always with me but this is an intentional time for me to sit before Him and see where He leads me.

Since I have made this commitment to give this time to the LORD I have had some of the sweetest moments with Him.  Sometimes I sit back with a mug of hot chocolate while looking out our big living room window watching the snow fall.  Watching the snow gently fall reminds me of a snow globe that was recently shaken....He is so creative.  Sometimes I find myself just sitting and thinking about who the LORD is.    Sometimes my eyes get a bit heavy so I close them for a little while hoping to get a glimpse of His beauty.  One day He asked me to spend my time cleaning out my closet.  Something my husband has been asking me to do for months.  Whatever it is I try to mindful of His leading....after all it is my gift to Him...and yet I am the one blessed. You are amazing, LORD!!!!    

Has the LORD asked you to give Him a gift this Christmas season?  If so, please share.  If not....maybe another year You will hear the a gentle Whisper from the Giver of all good gifts.  Merry Christmas, my friends!  May we all know the joy that comes from believing in the birthday Boy!      

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