Wednesday, December 7, 2011

What Works For Me.....Might Not Work For You.

Before you read my personal "morning routine" I wanted to remind you that this is what works for me.  If you were to ask my husband, he would say I am crazy for getting up so early.  He prefers to start his day a bit later. Please remember I am not writing a "To-Do List" for you to follow but inviting you to come along with me on a journey.  If what I share doesn't work for you.....that's okay.  There are no expectations for us to travel the same way on this journey.  Sometimes it's just fun to see what someone else is up to.  Come along with me and see what I'm up to in the wee hours of the morning......

I wake up each weekday morning at 5:00 a.m. (weekends at 6:00 a.m.)  I throw on my work-out clothes, work-out on the treadmill while praying and reciting Scripture, read a magazine article on Biblical topic or Christian life, or listen to praise music.  I intentionally make this time on the treadmill a time of worship to the LORD whether I am praying, reading or listening; I try to focus my mind on Him.

I start by praising Him for Who He is.  Then I move into a time of confession.  I think though my previous day…my attitude, my actions, my moods, and let the LORD bring to my mind anything that did not line up with Him and His glory.  After confessing what I need to, seeking forgiveness and being forgiven I am ready to intercede.  This is the time I pray for my family, friends and anyone else the LORD brings to my mind.  I am constantly trying to be aware of His Holy Spirit and let Him lead me.

After my aerobic work-out the LORD continues to pour into me through His Word.  After studying His Word, I’m ready to pour out….I get the kids lunches packed, unload the dishwasher, get the kids ready for the day...I could continue to tell you the rest of my day but I think you get the picture.

If you're ever awake at 5:00 in the morning pray for me, please.  Some mornings it's hard to roll out of bed...especially in the's dark and cold!  Brrrrr!!  But with the LORD's help I get to spend that early morning time with Him...with no one else around...just me and my Father!!  Oh what a blessing!

What time of the day do you spend with the LORD?  What do you like to do during that time with just you and Your Master?  Please share your devotional stories.


  1. Thanks for sharing your morning routine - I truly think that your daily discipline has such a wonderful impact on your relationship with God - evident to others around you! As I think about having another little one soon to nurse in the wee hours of the night, I am encouraged to use that alone time to not only get to know him (the baby), but also remember that this can be special quiet time can be a wonderful time to talk to and listen to the Lord. Every season of life brings different "routines" but God is waiting for me in each season at some point in my day!

  2. Thanks for sharing Darcy. What a wonderful God we serve...He goes before us in each season of life. He know exactly how it's going to be for your family when the new little one "comes out". Thank You, Father, for Your faithfulness and Your tenderness with us. You are amazing.
